High School

Young Life

A desire to reach the kind of high school students who would never step foot in a church is how Young Life began over 80 years ago. We do this by following Christ's example. To reach mankind, the Lord sent His flesh and blood to walk among us and live with us. This is our foundation. We believe that being with young people in relationship is the best way to evangelize. Meeting high schoolers where they are, walking with them through life, and sharing the gospel with them is what Young Life is all about.

Middle School


WyldLife is Young Life for middle schoolers. The fun, the relationships and the Christ-centered purpose that we focus on with high schoolers is customized for our younger friends. During this stage of life, many kids are experiencing significant changes and it is our joy to walk with them through it all.

Special Needs



Young Life has the privilege of serving adolescents with disabilities in the Asia Pacific through our Capernaum program. Capernaum gives young people with special needs the chance to experience joy, fun, and adventure while developing genuine friendships and learning more about the Good News. We believe Jesus is for all people and we love sharing his love with young people in our division.


Young Life College

Many college students around the world are seeking truth and community. Young Life College leaders meet young people where they are and offer a safe, exciting place to be authentically accepted and loved. Often Young Life College students become leaders for high school or middle school ministries.

Teen Moms



Teen pregnancy does not discriminate based on ethnicity or region. Younglives​ in the Asia Pacific cuts through the stigmas and shame to reach young moms with genuine love, acceptance, and respect. We enter into their world, model the unconditional love of Christ, and encourage them to become the women and mothers God created them to be.

Developing global leaders


Developing Global Leaders

Our DGL program enables international students to earn a college education, tuition free. Participants serve in local Young Life ministries and show incredible leadership potential. These students are not only trained to be leaders in Young Life, but also in their communities. Growing leaders can change an entire generation. Click here​ to learn more.